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MindFit’s CEO in Sub contractors’s meet (Alihankinta2018)

Kirjoittaja: 27.9.2018Uutiset

Cooperation and joint special knowledge are the keys to respond to the market needs. Break the barriers and work together! This is possible through one easily accessible channel. This was MindFit CEO Kari Härkönen’s message to AlihankintaHEAT audience, in his presentation on sub-contractors collaboration.

The presentation continued directly with a lively panel discussion on digitalization, industry disruption and innovation. The panel was moderated by RAG – Rapid Action Group Oy, with participants Harri Jaskari from the National Coalition Party, Olli Tannerkoski from Tannerkoski Capital Oy, Paula Kuusipalo-Määttä from VR Group, and YardMate CEO Kari Härkönen. The idea of RAG was for the panelists to rapidly react to the topics in question – they didn’t know each other’s questions in advance.

Kari challenged the co-panelists with many ideas such as data handling: An increasing amount of (the so-called Big) data burdens our globe. Problems might be solved, but from an incomprehensible amount of data the right one is extra challenging to find. You need to know how to search. You cannot outsource your thinking to Google!

Photos by Ismo Karjalainen